M.F After viewing the slides and videos the Wladorf program model is the one I found to be the most interesting. Growing up the majority of the


After viewing the slides and videos the Wladorf program model is the one I found to be the most interesting. Growing up the majority of the classrooms I was in used direct instruction. Due to me always being in a classroom setting where the teacher is always in the center, structured, and focused on academic skills with measurable outcomes. It took me a while to think about how I would teach a classroom using the Waldorf program. Since this is my first time learning about this program. Just the idea of students being more creative, learning through more hands-on holistic approaches, and imaginative activities is very intriguing. In the video Montessori vs Waldorf I found it amazing that in a Waldorf classroom, they use natural materials to decorate the classroom. As well as during playtime in a Walford classroom “play” is seen as a time for kids to be creative which will help with their creative thinking later on in life. 

I appreciate how Waldorf education allows children to use real-life tools in meaningful ways. These hands-on experiences help children develop a sense of responsibility and community. Waldorf education fosters creativity and emotional intelligence, rather than emphasizing purely academic achievement. I like how this program ties in life skills with learning. Tying life skills with learning in grades K-2 is crucial because it helps children develop a well-rounded foundation for both academic success and personal growth. Especially since during this stage, children are learning not only basic academic skills but also how to interact socially, manage emotions, and solve problems.

I think Model 2 will be the most efficient staffing pattern for the Waldorf model. This model includes a lead teacher, an assistant teacher, and a special education teacher. The lead teacher guides the overall development of the children, focusing on emotional, social, and intellectual growth through creative and hands-on activities. The assistant teacher supports the lead teacher by offering individualized attention, helping manage small groups, and assisting with daily activities. The special education teacher ensures the diverse needs of students are met, providing tailored support for children with specific learning challenges. This model promotes a collaborative, well-rounded approach to teaching.

NYSED Office of Early Learning Video Series. (n.d.). New York State Education Department. 
to an external site.

Waldorf vs. Montessori Education: What’s the Difference? (2018). [YouTube Video]. In 
to an external site.


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