files below  Task 2.3. Financial Reporting and Analysis Name: Due Dates:  Preview/draft slides: Presentation: In class (Depending on your

files below 

Task 2.3. Financial Reporting and Analysis


Due Dates: 

Preview/draft slides:

Presentation: In class (Depending on your class schedule)

Final PDF submission:

Kindly prepare, present and submit a financial evaluation of one of these companies (Choose only one, no other companies are allowed)

Coca Cola:

Alphabet (Google):

Home Depot:

Each student must prepare a 3-minute recorded video presentation and also deliver it in class.

Using financial ratios and indicators of your choice, evaluate the company’s profitability, liquidity, solvency, and performance evolution over the last three years. You may consider incorporating the DuPont model and CVP analysis to support your recommendations. 

Additionally, by January 20th, students must submit the draft presentation, including visuals such as pictures and graphs.

Dress presentation accordingly.

Submissions should use the provided PowerPoint template, exported as a PDF format only and include the URL to the video presentation on One Drive.


Profitability Analysis

Use profitability ratios over the last three years (Include Formula, calculations and findings)

Liquidity Analysis

Use liquidity ratios over the last three years (Include Formula, calculations and findings)

Solvency Analysis

Use Solvency ratios over the last three years (Include Formula, calculations and findings)

Recommendations and Conclusion

Evaluate the company’s performance evolution over the last three years. 

You may consider incorporating the DuPont model and CVP analysis to support your recommendations. 

End of Presentation

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