Student’s Name: PSYC 3338 Midterm Spring 2024 AGING IN MOVIES REVIEW There is a plethora of films out there depicting various dimensions of the

Student’s Name: PSYC 3338 Midterm Spring 2024


There is a plethora of films out there depicting various dimensions of the aging process. Despite
the belly-laughing, or sometimes, tear-jerking emotions we gather from these films, we often do
not stop to wonder if these depictions of various dimensions of aging are accurate…or a bunch
of malarky (i.e., nonsense). For this assignment, you are tasked with watching a film, not a TV

show, of your choice that depicts any aspect of aging that has been discussed in our class. After
watching the film, answer the questions below.

Movie title:

Give your review a title. It can be as funny or as serious as you would like.


1. Give a brief summary of what the movie is about.
(no more than 4 sentences)

2. Who is/are the main character(s) in the film that you will be discussing?
(no more than 2 sentences)

3. What class topic does the movie depict? How?
(no more than 4 sentences)

Student’s Name: PSYC 3338 Midterm Spring 2024

4. Based on what you have learned thus far in the course, do you feel that this film
provides an accurate depiction of aging and/or the various aspects of aging? (i.e.,
mental/physical health, relationships, challenges, disease, wisdom, personality, etc.)
Why or why not? Include at least 2 scholarly citations to support your answer.
(no more than 7 sentences)

5. In what ways do you believe that this film could improve to provide a more accurate
depiction of this dimension of aging?
(no more than 7 sentences)

6. All movies teach a lesson (theme/moral). What did you learn from this one?
(no more than 4 sentences)

Please erase the information below when submitting your worksheet.

Wait, but how are we getting graded? Good question. I am grading your midterm similar to
how I grade your “3-2-1” Post & Reply. I am looking to see that you have followed the sentence
length requirements, evidenced that you have proofread your work (i.e., made little to no
grammatical/spelling errors), and that your responses are well-thought out (see examples of
well-thought/poorly thought-out answers on the syllabus). One aspect that I am going to pay
specific attention to is correct citation of scholarly articles on #4. See the Helpful Resources

Student’s Name: PSYC 3338 Midterm Spring 2024

module on our Canvas page or See this website for help:


Reach out via Canvas if you have any questions! I am here to support your success!


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