Create a Strategic Plan for a Fire Dpartment: You are a newly promoted fire chief in the department you have began at the beginning of your professional

Create a Strategic Plan for a Fire Dpartment: You are a newly promoted fire chief in the department you have began at the beginning of your professional journey. Throughout the years you have seen many good ideas, met many great people, and generally, have had a great career. Society and emergency services are changing, yet the department has not changed to keep up. As the new chief, your first goal is to assess the current status of the organization and develop a strategy for the next 5 years. The plan will be submitted to the municipal authorities for acceptance. You will write a professional strategic plan that will be submitted for approval. Develop a strategic plan for you organization using the concepts discussed in the course. Be sure to include how the plan will align with the municipal plan, and identify stakeholders who will help implement the plan. The strategy should also include, analysis techniques, measurements, a BSC (or other guiding principle), and show an increase in services or other value added activities. In other words, status quo is not a strategy. The paper should be detailed and include a discussion on the concepts presented in the course. There is no expected paper length, but in general anything under 10 pages would not be a well thought out strategic plan. Detail is essential! Submission Requirements Your completed paper should be double-spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman font, with title page, abstract, conclusion, and reference list, following the APA format.

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