THANK YOU LETTER PLEASE SEE BELOW  FOR DETAILS  OF THE CLASS MGT 1007 – Business and Career Dynamics This course is designed to familiarize students with


MGT 1007 – Business and Career Dynamics

This course is designed to familiarize students with the reality of today’s workplace, human resource management issues, and such lifetime advancement and management strategies as reinventing oneself, building relationships in a culturally diverse workplace, making a career transition, and growing professionally

Class Learning Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: 

  • Familiarize the reality of today’s workplace, and human resource management issues, in a culturally diverse workplace using case studies.
  • Distinguish themselves in today’s highly competitive job market that will lead to successful interviews and the best possible job offer by creating a career portfolio and Connect courseware assignments
  • Create a career portfolio that includes a resume, and cover letter using Connect courseware assignments.
  • Brand themselves using social media such as LinkedIn and Connect courseware assignments.
  • Prepare for the job interview by participating in a mock interview and using Connect courseware assignments.
  • Use Excel technology to organize, format, and print data in the form of worksheets and prepare corresponding reports, charts, and graphs to solve a business problem.

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