Introduction – Paragraphs should be 3-5 sentences long and should cite references provided on moodle to accomplish what is asked. Choose 2-3 papers per

Introduction – Paragraphs should be 3-5 sentences long and should cite references provided on moodle to accomplish what is asked. Choose 2-3 papers per paragraph (from the ones provided on moodle)

Paragraph 1. Introduce what aggregation is (behaviorally) and some explanations of why animals aggregate. Use at least 2 of refs provided on moodle.

Paragraph 2. Introduce pheromones and describe the role of pheromones in the aggregation of insects. Use at least 2 of refs provided on moodle.

Paragraph 3. Introduce research on how familiarity may influence cricket behavior. Use at least 2 of refs provided on moodle.

Paragraph 4. State research objectives/questions that our study examined. No references are required here. Check out Cricket ppt on moodle for reminder of what our questions were.


Describe the study organism under the subsection “Study organism”. Include the common and scientific name of the organism and a description of where they came from (i.e. purchased from local pet stores). How they were housed (include the number of crickets in the colony, the average size of crickets in colony, size of the container they were housed in, length of time they were housed in the container prior to experiments). Kellie will go over some of these details in Lab during the writing workshop.

Describe the experimental setup (including the apparatus used) and data collection associated with your scent of familiar vs unfamiliar colony experiments. Write this up under the subheading “Aggregation in Relation to Scent”

Describe the experimental setup, including the apparatus used, setup of the experiment, and data collection associated with your frequency of social interactions in relation to familiarity and sex. Write this up under the subheading “Social Behavior in Relation to Familiarity”.


Figures: Include figures with figure captions that include species name (common and scientific), sample sizes (how many replicates of each treatment) brief description of experimental setup/procedure (specific to what is shown in figures). Also make sure you tell me that you included SD bars (I will go over this in a writing workshop in lab)

Written Results: Use sentences and paragraphs to describe trends in the data in relation to research questions asked and results of experiments (see cricket lab ppts and data analysis details doc for reminder of what we examined and how).

Discussion Paragraphs should be 3-5 sentences long and should cite references provided on moodle to accomplish what is asked. Use 2-3 papers from the ones provided on Moodle (you might also go back and use some from the Introduction if they seem more useful). 

Paragraph 1. Provide a very brief summary of results in the context of our original research objectives/questions. Did crickets aggregate? If so, were patterns of aggregation impacted by familiar or unfamiliar scents and sex? Was the frequency of interactions and group interactions between crickets impacted by familiarity and/or sex?

Paragraph 2. How did your cricket aggregation in relation to familiar versus unfamiliar scent compare with what others have found in relation to pheromone attraction for male and female crickets? Use at least 2 of refs provided on moodle.

Paragraph 3. How did your result of frequency of interactions and groupings in relation to familiarity for males and females compare to what other researchers have found? Use at least 2 of refs provided on moodle.

Paragraph 4. What future research would you do to further your understanding of behaviour and aggregation of crickets in relation to familiar and unfamiliar pheromones and crickets? Connect this to what at least one other researcher has done (use any ref provided on Moodle or a ref you found on your own) Describe clear things you could do to try and understand why we saw some of the results we saw.

Reference Section (APA formatted)

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