Assignment: TEXTBOOK INFO: 1. Chapter 9: Harvard’s Growing Power and Profile in  The innovative



1. Chapter 9: Harvard’s Growing Power and Profile in 
The innovative university: Changing the DNA of higher education from the inside out.

2. Chapter 10: Staying Rooted in 
The innovative university: Changing the DNA of higher education from the inside out.

White paper opportunity: The tension between explosive growth and traditional, faculty led change.

One of the more valuable tools of change can be a well-articulated white paper. In this case as a consultant, you will be articulating a white paper regarding a topic that the university you’ll be working with has requested.  According to your new client one of the more difficult challenges they are facing is the fact that there is a desire to explosive growth on the part of the alumni and the university leaders and even some of the current students. While simultaneously the faculty feels a bit of tension or discord over the fact that this growth may be happening too quickly, and the appropriate amount of faculty input isn’t necessarily being provided. For this white paper you are to discuss this chasm and reflect on its potential challenges.

Your work should come in the form of a formal APA paper and include the following components.

Component 1: Introduction: This should include an explanation of this challenge and clearly define the parameters.

Component 2: You should discuss some of the particularly difficult negative outcomes that emerge as a result of this challenge.

Component 3: You should identify the opportunity that awaits in addressing this challenge and how this particular issue could indeed be a linchpin to explosive growth and opportunity for the faculty as well.

Component 4: Conclusion: In this conclusion you’ll offer a synthesis of these main points.

Please ensure in executing this assignment that you make specific references to the readings provided as well as the utilization of at least five outside references which can be used to support your ideas presented. The use of outside sources is important because even though the materials provided for this course are excellent, as a graduate student you are expected to be able to consult a variety of sources regarding a given topic and synthesize that scholarly input into a thoughtful set of recommendations, conclusions, etc.

The essay should be 1800-words and should include at least five (5) citations. The sections should be clearly marked with headings so that your instructor knows which points you are addressing. Follow the guidelines for APA writing style. The title page and references page do not count towards the minimum word amount for this assignment.

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